Meaning behind different colored plates

We often see different colored plate numbers. There are white-colored plates for some others, there are yellow-colored plates for some others. Now we are going to know the meaning of those colors.

White-colored number plates

These type of plates are issued to personal vehicles. These can't be used for commercial purposes.

Yellow-colored number plates

These type of plates are issued for commercial vehicles like taxis, lorries, trucks.

Black-colored number plates

These type of plates are issued to the vehicle belongs to popular hotels and it is used to transport VIP. Usually, the black color plate is attributed to expensive cars.

Red-colored number plates

These types of plates are issued for the vehicles allocated to Governor or President. No other person has no right to use this type of plate.

If the numbers are white color on the red plate, it means those vehicles are in the testing stage.

Blue-colored number plates

These type of plates are assigned to the vehicles of UN Mission or foreign embassy.

This blog is done to clarify the doubts regarding number plates. I hope it is cleared now😊😊🤞


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