Effects of hacking
Have you ever thought of the damaging level of hacking to an individual?
Hacking can cost your lifetime earnings and also cause death if you are negligible about present technology. Have you thought of knowing the basics for our safety?
Now I am going to tell about some situations in how hacking may affect common people. These things are happening because of your ignorance. If you are aware of these things you can be more secure.
These are some situations that are happening around us but you may or may not observe in your daily routine. But this will become the most dangerous situation.
1.Hacking is not done only by computers these can be happen manually by the people around you.
2.Becareful while clicking on pop ups or adds that come on a website that you are visiting.
3.While doing payments be careful that the page is official or not.
Like this there are many possibilities that you may be hacked. This is because that you are not aware of the types of hacking techniques. so to aware of these techniques I am going post some blogs on these techniques. Social engineering, phishing, Sql injection, DDos and some more techniques.
Some carelessness can cause big damage. Don't ignore anything that is happening around you.
"Ignorance is the main tool for hackers. So don't give them that chance"
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